pecan.commands – Pecan Commands

The pecan.commands module implements the pecan console script used to provide (for example) pecan serve and pecan shell command line utilities.

class pecan.commands.base.BaseCommand

Bases: pecan.commands.base.BaseCommandParent

A base interface for Pecan commands.

Can be extended to support pecan command extensions in individual Pecan projects, e.g.,

$ pecan my-custom-command

# myapp/myapp/
class CustomCommand(pecan.commands.base.BaseCommand):
    (First) line of the docstring is used to summarize the command.

    arguments = ({
        'name': '--extra_arg',
        'help': 'an extra command line argument',
        'optional': True

    def run(self, args):
        super(SomeCommand, self).run(args)
        if args.extra_arg:
class pecan.commands.base.BaseCommandParent

Bases: object

A base interface for Pecan commands.

Can be extended to support pecan command extensions in individual Pecan projects, e.g.,

$ pecan my-custom-command

# myapp/myapp/
class CustomCommand(pecan.commands.base.BaseCommand):
    (First) line of the docstring is used to summarize the command.

    arguments = ({
        'name': '--extra_arg',
        'help': 'an extra command line argument',
        'optional': True

    def run(self, args):
        super(SomeCommand, self).run(args)
        if args.extra_arg:

To be implemented by subclasses.

class pecan.commands.base.CommandManager

Bases: object

Used to discover pecan.command entry points.

class pecan.commands.base.CommandRunner

Bases: object

Dispatches pecan command execution requests.

class pecan.commands.base.HelpfulArgumentParser(prog=None, usage=None, description=None, epilog=None, parents=[], formatter_class=<class 'argparse.HelpFormatter'>, prefix_chars='-', fromfile_prefix_chars=None, argument_default=None, conflict_handler='error', add_help=True, allow_abbrev=True, exit_on_error=True)

Bases: argparse.ArgumentParser

error(message: string)

Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and exits.

If you override this in a subclass, it should not return – it should either exit or raise an exception.

pecan.commands.server – Pecan Development Server

Serve command for Pecan.

class pecan.commands.serve.PecanWSGIRequestHandler(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler, object

A wsgiref request handler class that allows actual log output depending on the application configuration.

log_message(format, *args)

overrides the log_message method from the wsgiref server so that normal logging works with whatever configuration the application has been set to.

Levels are inferred from the HTTP status code, 4XX codes are treated as warnings, 5XX as errors and everything else as INFO level.

class pecan.commands.serve.ServeCommand

Bases: pecan.commands.base.BaseCommand

Serves a Pecan web application.

This command serves a Pecan web application using the provided configuration file for the server and application.


To be implemented by subclasses.

serve(app, conf)

A very simple approach for a WSGI server.


The gunicorn_pecan command for launching pecan applications – Pecan Interactive Shell

Shell command for Pecan.


Bases: object

Open an interactive bpython shell with the Pecan app loaded.

classmethod invoke(ns, banner)
  • ns – local namespace
  • banner – interactive shell startup banner

Embed an interactive bpython shell.


Bases: object

Open an interactive ipython shell with the Pecan app loaded.

classmethod invoke(ns, banner)
  • ns – local namespace
  • banner – interactive shell startup banner

Embed an interactive ipython shell. Try the InteractiveShellEmbed API first, fall back on IPShellEmbed for older IPython versions.


Bases: object

Open an interactive python shell with the Pecan app loaded.

classmethod invoke(ns, banner)
  • ns – local namespace
  • banner – interactive shell startup banner

Embed an interactive native python shell.


Bases: pecan.commands.base.BaseCommand

Open an interactive shell with the Pecan app loaded. Attempt to invoke the specified python shell flavor (ipython, bpython, etc.). Fall back on the native python shell if the requested flavor variance is not installed.

invoke_shell(locs, banner)

Invokes the appropriate flavor of the python shell. Falls back on the native python shell if the requested flavor (ipython, bpython,etc) is not installed.


Load the model extension module


Load the pecan app, prepare the locals, sets the banner, and invokes the python shell.