.. _secure_controller: Security and Authentication =========================== Pecan provides no out-of-the-box support for authentication, but it does give you the necessary tools to handle authentication and authorization as you see fit. ``secure`` Decorator Basics --------------------------- You can wrap entire controller subtrees *or* individual method calls with access controls using the :func:`~pecan.secure.secure` decorator. To decorate a method, use one argument:: secure('') To secure a class, invoke with two arguments:: secure(object_instance, '') :: from pecan import expose from pecan.secure import secure class HighlyClassifiedController(object): pass class UnclassifiedController(object): pass class RootController(object): @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): if user_is_admin(): return True return False @expose() def index(self): # # This controller is unlocked to everyone, # and will not run any security checks. # return dict() @secure('check_permissions') @expose() def topsecret(self): # # This controller is top-secret, and should # only be reachable by administrators. # return dict() highly_classified = secure(HighlyClassifiedController(), 'check_permissions') unclassified = UnclassifiedController() ``SecureController`` -------------------- Alternatively, the same functionality can also be accomplished by subclassing Pecan's :class:`~pecan.secure.SecureController`. Implementations of :class:`~pecan.secure.SecureController` should extend the :meth:`~pecan.secure.SecureControllerBase.check_permissions` class method to return ``True`` if the user has permissions to the controller branch and ``False`` if they do not. :: from pecan import expose from pecan.secure import SecureController, unlocked class HighlyClassifiedController(object): pass class UnclassifiedController(object): pass class RootController(SecureController): @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): if user_is_admin(): return True return False @expose() @unlocked def index(self): # # This controller is unlocked to everyone, # and will not run any security checks. # return dict() @expose() def topsecret(self): # # This controller is top-secret, and should # only be reachable by administrators. # return dict() highly_classified = HighlyClassifiedController() unclassified = unlocked(UnclassifiedController()) Also note the use of the :func:`~pecan.secure.unlocked` decorator in the above example, which can be used similarly to explicitly unlock a controller for public access without any security checks. Writing Authentication/Authorization Methods -------------------------------------------- The :meth:`~pecan.secure.SecureControllerBase.check_permissions` method should be used to determine user authentication and authorization. The code you implement here could range from simple session assertions (the existing user is authenticated as an administrator) to connecting to an LDAP service. More on ``secure`` ------------------ The :func:`~pecan.secure.secure` method has several advanced uses that allow you to create robust security policies for your application. First, you can pass via a string the name of either a class method or an instance method of the controller to use as the :meth:`~pecan.secure.SecureControllerBase.check_permissions` method. Instance methods are particularly useful if you wish to authorize access to attributes of a model instance. Consider the following example of a basic virtual filesystem. :: from pecan import expose from pecan.secure import secure from myapp.session import get_current_user from myapp.model import FileObject class FileController(object): def __init__(self, name): self.file_object = FileObject(name) def read_access(self): self.file_object.read_access(get_current_user()) def write_access(self): self.file_object.write_access(get_current_user()) @secure('write_access') @expose() def upload_file(self): pass @secure('read_access') @expose() def download_file(self): pass class RootController(object): @expose() def _lookup(self, name, *remainder): return FileController(name), remainder The :func:`~pecan.secure.secure` method also accepts a function argument. When passing a function, make sure that the function is imported from another file or defined in the same file before the class definition, otherwise you will likely get error during module import. :: from pecan import expose from pecan.secure import secure from myapp.auth import user_authenitcated class RootController(object): @secure(user_authenticated) @expose() def index(self): return 'Logged in' You can also use the :func:`~pecan.secure.secure` method to change the behavior of a :class:`~pecan.secure.SecureController`. Decorating a method or wrapping a subcontroller tells Pecan to use another security function other than the default controller method. This is useful for situations where you want a different level or type of security. :: from pecan import expose from pecan.secure import SecureController, secure from myapp.auth import user_authenticated, admin_user class ApiController(object): pass class RootController(SecureController): @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): return user_authenticated() @classmethod def check_api_permissions(cls): return admin_user() @expose() def index(self): return 'logged in user' api = secure(ApiController(), 'check_api_permissions') In the example above, pecan will *only* call :func:`admin_user` when a request is made for ``/api/``. Multiple Secure Controllers --------------------------- Secure controllers can be nested to provide increasing levels of security on subcontrollers. In the example below, when a request is made for ``/admin/index/``, Pecan first calls :func:`~pecan.secure.SecureControllerBase.check_permissions` on the :class:`RootController` and then calls :func:`~pecan.secure.SecureControllerBase.check_permissions` on the :class:`AdminController`. :: from pecan import expose from pecan.secure import SecureController from myapp.auth import user_logged_in, is_admin class AdminController(SecureController): @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): return is_admin() @expose() def index(self): return 'admin dashboard' class RootController(SecureController): @classmethod def check_permissions(cls): return user_logged_in @expose() def index(self): return 'user dashboard'